Unfucking a Novel Chapter 1: Gems Before Garbage
In a previous post, I illustrated my experience with NanoWriMo. The end result of this affair, for those that didn’t read the past article (it’s okay, I know how the internet is), was an incoherent mess of scattershot splattered prose applied to the digital page with the grace of monkey's throwing crap at a wall. It stinks, but the end result is that something stuck around. Despite a rambling and borderline stream of consciousness middle section, I found the beginning rife with potential. The story starts off strong enough, with a main character putting the whole collegiate board on blast before destroying his whole future in one unprovoked phone call. I took that central moment and expanded upon it, exploring their mental state after the event’s fallout, using it as a springboard to contextualize their relationship with the primary point of view character. I wanted to explore the concept of internal stress coloring one’s interactions with others and how unrelated tension can esc...